The Shan Speaks: Notes from the Small but Wise

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Garage Sale at the Toy Building

No joke: If you're looking for free office furniture, copiers, cans of paint and whole lot of other free stuff like that, get your ass to The International Toy Building at 200 Fifth Ave. (@ 23rd St.) The building has been bought by a new real estate group and they're kicking all the toy companies OUT. It's as though the toy bitches are getting evicted, like we have to clear out b/c someone's discovered our grift and the cops are on the way. So with all the quick getaways, companies haven't bothered to PACK UP AND GO, they just LEFT. Come and get their shit!

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Thursday, May 25, 2006 | 0 comments

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Juan Messes with Gender Roles

"Sometimes I want to be a woman. I would be the best mistress in New York City."

In the event that Juan decides to go full on femme, where can I get an entrance application for The Best Mistress NYC contest? He can talk a bunch of smack, but I want to see him prove it.

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Tuesday, May 23, 2006 | 0 comments

Monday, May 22, 2006


Holy Mary Mother of Point Guards! The NBA Western Conference Semifinals have come down to two deciding Game 7s. I haven't been this excited about NBA playoffs games since the Chicago Bulls won 6 titles. Ah, those were the good old days.

Hot Tip From Auntie Shan
Even if you don't like basketball, tune in and watch some of tonight's action. It's incredibly intense and so much fun. Well worth being up past your bedtime. What else would you do? Watch the 'Alias' series finale? I'll let you in on a little secret - even Jennifer Garner's Mom isn't tuning in. She's a huge Steve Nash fan. I don't really know that, but she sure as hell ain't watching a 2 hour wrap-up of a series that really ended a year and a half ago. Sydney Bristow, R.I.P. May I recommend an Irina Derevko spinoff? Lena Olin, what are you willing to do for an Emmy?

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Monday, May 22, 2006 | 0 comments

Saturday, May 20, 2006


The Go Go's are in town commemorating the 25th anniversary of "Beauty and the Beat," their debut album, which included the classics "Our Lips Are Sealed" and "We Got the Beat." Yesterday, they were on the TODAY SHOW's Summer Concert Series (photo below) bright and early, making nice w/ Katie Couric, who claimed she felt like "the 6th Go Go." Fuck you, Katie. You wish. They also had a gig how at the Nokia Theater and I went. If the Go Go's were reading Shakespeare at the NYC Transit Museum, I'd go.

They looked fanastic. Though time has been kinder to some (Belinda and Jane still look fresh and perky) than others (Gina Shock's deteriorated into a soccer Mom/linebacker, and Charlotte Caffey might as well have eascaped from the set of The Dark Crystal), those bitches can still rock. In 25 years, they haven't changed their schtick a lick. Belinda's moves are timeless and the clap above the head during "Head Over Heels" will live in infamy. And I'm standing there dancing like a white chick, too, because, well, I learned it by watching them. They played Beauty and The Beat in its entirety and blasted a few other classics, too. The crowd sang Happy Birthday to Jane in a touching show of emotion. Toward the end, they did one of my faves, "Throw Me A Curve, " from their 2001 release, "God Bless the Go Go's." It's a little ditty that celebrates the bodies of real women, not the size 0s of the world. The lyrics go, "Throw me a curve and I'll show you mine." While singing this line, Belinda bent over and wiggled her ass for a throng of adoring fans. I had a major flashback.

At 1537 S. Circle Lane in Palatine, IL you could walk up to the second floor of the Ennis family home, make a hard right and open the door to Shannon's room. From 1987 - 1990 the light blue walls were covered with magazine articles, pictures, posters, a ticket stubb or two, advertisements for Agree shampoo and L.A. Gear sneakers. It was my shrine to Belinda Carlisle. While my other friends bleached their jeans and began their trashy heavy metal whore days, I immersed myself in all things Belinda. Scoff to your heart’s content, but I loved that woman.

In the summer of 1986, she released her first solo single, “Mad About You.” I bought the ’45 and played it until the grooves wore thin. The video featured a newly slim Belinda dancing on a beach telling the world that she was “mad about you, lost in your eyes, mad about love, you and I.” I’m not sure if I was drawn to her passing resemblance to Ann Margaret, the way she looked in the passenger seat of that convertible with her head tossed back all vulnerable and coy or the oversized black turtleneck, but I was hooked.

By the time she released the “Heaven on Earth,” I was a full-fledged psychopath. Her tapes were the only thing I played, and when Mom finally bought a CD player, “Heaven” was the first silver disk I owned. If Belinda was on “The Tonight Show,” I taped it. If “Entertainment Tonight” did a segment about how she kept in shape riding a mountain bike, I taped that, too and went right out and bought myself a Trek. My life was an ongoing Belindafest. The covers of every magazine she graced were taped to my walls. I even spent a few days at the local library doing Nexus searches on her and the Go Go’s until I spent my allowance on Xerox copies of old ‘Rolling Stone’ articles. If perchance you’re not really getting the picture, I will confess that when MTV held a contest that promised they’d broadcast from YOUR HOUSE if yours was the winning postcard and guaranteed a performance by none other than the object of my obsession, Renee Gorski and I addressed nearly 200 postcards to 1515 Broadway in the hopes of hosting the event.

My devotion didn’t weaken when “Leave A Light On” failed to match the success of “Heaven.” I continued to buy everything she put on the market. A collection of music videos? Got it. A tape of her ‘Heaven on Earth’ concert live? Got it. Shit, I even bought “Live Your Life Be Free” the week it was released. Her son should call me and say Thank You for his braces and college education.

We moved my Sophomore year and the shrine had to come down. I transferred it to a scrapbook, though. We'd been in the new house only a week when Belinda popped up on 'The Arsenio Hall Show' and announced she was pregnant. She glowed and told Arsenio how much she loved Freddie Mercury and explained that the AIDS public service material in her liner notes was her way of telling the music industry, "Hey, this disease is a killer." What a crusader! My Little Belinda Teresa. Needless to say, I hightailed it to Second Hand Tunes and bought a shitload of Queen. But by the time I graduated high school, I’d sort of given up on her. She wasn’t on the charts anymore and didn’t get any rotation from radio stations. I was forced into being a closet fan. Loyal still, but hidden.

I had no idea that what I felt for Belinda all those years was a burgeoning lust. I just figured I really, really, really liked her, you know, as an artist. Damn, what a lame excuse for a latent case of lesbo love! Eh. My every teenaged desire was fulfilled when she posed for ‘Playboy.’ I put my cash on the counter for that puppy with no shame in my heart. Oddly enough, seeing her spread, the centerfold I’d fantasized about, gave me closure. Having the whole kit and caboodle laid out before my 20 something eyes helped doust the fire that raged for over a decade. But last night as she bent over in her little black slip skirt, it all came rushing back. I’d have given my left tit to run up to that stage and grab, grab, grab. Seriously, I scanned that booty for panty lines and everything! I’ll always feel the magic.

Te amo, Belinda. Je t'aime toujours!

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Saturday, May 20, 2006 | 0 comments

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bi the Bi

As Jerry Seinfeld might say, “What is the deal with Bisexuals? That’s the ultimate fear of commitment. Hey, pick some plumbing and move on!”

There’s a wonderful scene in “Jeffrey” where the ‘mo dudes are gathered around the television. The scenery could not be gayer. It screams Children not Welcome. The apartment is completely Art Deco’d out; everything is slick and angular and clean and white. One of the ‘mos, the Queen ‘mo, played by Patrick Stewart, has a pristinely groomed Chiuwawa on his lap, and he’s petting it gently, methodically. His legs are crossed in that ever so attentive ballerina kind of way. From the TV comes a man’s voice declares, “Actually, I’m bi,” Stewart freezes, snears, ceases petting, throws on his best bitch ‘tude and facetiously quips, “Oh, me too.” Nothing could be farther from the truth, of course, and Stewart milks the line for all it’s worth. It’s gay delicious.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I feel exactly the same way. “Oh, me too,” my internal dialogue smacks of distaste. A shift occurred with nary a warning. Whereas I used to think Stewart’s line was just funny and brilliantly delivered, now I find that, more so than not, it rings true for me. A sizeable faction in queer society contends that bisexuality is more of a drive-by between AC and DC. Bisexuals are believed to dabble in AC but eventually pick one current.

Pardon me while I go all extended metaphor here: The P.T.D. (part-time dyke) visits the isle of Lesbos whenever she wants. She’s got a time share, a summer house. She suns on the beach, surfs a little and parties hard at the local hot spots. I, on the other hand, am a permanent resident of Lesbos. I live here year ‘round. I pay taxes. When a storm hits Lesbos, I’m here boarding up my windows, sandbagging. Lesbos isn’t always warm and glamorous. And I cannot move. Don’t get me wrong, I benefit from the revenue PTDs bring to Lesbos. They’re good for the economy and spice things up. The PTDs are wonderful, lovely, beautiful and extraordinary women. I celebrate that as do most Lesbosians. But I never forget that ultimately, when the season begins to change, year after year, they leave. Maybe they’ll be back next summer, maybe not.

This wasn’t always so. In my younger days I felt no different from any of my brothers and sisters of the Kinsey scale. Heck, the 3s & 4s were the same as the 1s and 6s, except that they paid the same admission price but got twince the rides. What a bargain! Yeah for the bi’s! Let it all hang out. Embrace the freedom within. Double major! Why not? Who says you have to choose? Talk about radical sexual identification: I WANT IT ALL. Wow. Good for you.

My issue is more personal than political. I welcome everyone into The Rainbow. I just can’t get involved with the B of the GLBT. My insecurity will not allow it. There’s twice the competition for B attention than there is L. A good woman is hard to find. Imagine trying to find a good woman who won’t leave you for another chick or a straight dude who’s got evolution on his side. Shit, B is capable of cutting into my as yet undiscovered pool of PTD, too! Populationally (not a real word, I know), speaking, I can’t bet against those odds. I’m not man enough. The PTD has the power to double-crush my ego. Tolerate that level of vulnerability? Pas mois, bitches. Oh, not me.

NOTE: At my therapists suggestion, I excluded the “It was a mistake and won’t happen again” girls. Something about self-loathing, yadda, yadda, yadda.

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 | 0 comments

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Message from Al Gore, President of the United States

SNL opened the show this weekend with a faux address from the not-so-sitting President, Al Gore. Treat yourself and willingly suspend your disbelief for just a moment. Click on link for a fleeting tease of what could have been.

For the 4:07 I watched this clip, my heartburn and deathwish subsided considerably, only to bounce back 10 fold as I saw tonight's TV listings. At 8pm, dickface will address the nation. At 8:01pm I go on suicide watch while I administer an I.V. cocktail of TUMS, Pepcid AC, Pepto, Imodium AD and morphine.

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Monday, May 15, 2006 | 0 comments

Thursday, May 11, 2006


THIS ENTRY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ITS TITLE. I just thought of it this morning when I was putting my pants on, thinking of film genres.

There's saying "No," and then there's saying "NO!" Personally, I feel like one, simple little "No" is enough. Qualifying that No, however, smacks of contempt rather than refusal.

"Never, ever, ever, ever." Ok, so that's never?

"Over my dead body." There's no obstacle stepping over a dead body. That one isn't even a threat. It's asinine and utterly stupid. Think of how freakin' easy it is to do whatever you want to a dead body. Pee on it. Smear it with peanut butter. Sell it to a medical school. Dress it up like Dolly Parton or Hitler. Position a dead finger in the dead ass.

"Not in a million years." Technology moves at rapid speed. I just might be alive a million years from now. What'll your excuse be then?

"When pigs fly out of my butt." Thank you, Wayne. Thank you, Garth.

"Nuh uh, muther f*!#$er!" Geez, Grandma. Take it easy. I only asked for the salt.

And so on.

Let's say you're in a grocery store in Kansas, and you ask a helpful employee, "Do you have fried chicken flavored ice cream?" Instead of giving you a simple "No," he/she will smile really wide and respond, "We sure don't." Hence the swift donkey punch.

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Thursday, May 11, 2006 | 0 comments

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Randomolizationed Thoughts of Copious, Dubious Thinkage

A friend of mine is a personal trainer at what she refers to as a, "High, high, high, way high and higher end" health club. All of their equipment must be platinum. Diamond encrusted free weights, too, the whole shebang. Rumor has it that they're set to hire a guy who sweats Cristal.

Mother's Day is this Sunday and Father's Day is early next month. Can I get a Baby Daddy day? I've heard about a guy who supports one of his kids. Apparently his baby momma's car and crib is bigger than his. You will see him on TV any given Sunday. He'll win the Superbowl and drive off in a Hyundai. And if that wasn't enough to warrant a holiday, his baby momma was 'spose to buy his shorty TYCO with his money. Instead, she went to the doctor got and got lypo with his money. If you feel the way I do, throw your hands in the air and wave 'em like you just don't care.

I used to get so embarrassed for women when they made the announcement that they were pregnant because every one would know she'd had sex. Not that I have any sex hangups...I mean had any sex hangups.

READ IF YOU ARE A GAY WOMAN. THIS APPLIES TO YOU. A WORD OF CAUTION: If your girlfriend works at a restaurant that serves fish, there's more than a good chance that you won't be able to tell if she's cheating on you. Gross but true.

I looked at a map yesterday and discovered more than 2 ways to get to Kathmandu.

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Tuesday, May 09, 2006 | 0 comments

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hate the Taste of My Own Medicine

So, I'm not the best phone person. Rarely do I pick it up, and rarer still is an immediate return call. There's something about the phone, a certain je ne sais quoi, that I loathe and despise. I can only assume that my friends and family HATE THAT about me. Said assumption is made solely on the basis that they've REPEATEDLY TOLD ME THEY HATE THAT.

Good news, haters, the favor is being returned. I am on the receiving end of a big ass, nasty dose of my own medicine, and I HATE IT.

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Monday, May 08, 2006 | 0 comments

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Desperately Seeking Acknowledgement

I gave her one rule: When my schedule does not permit accompanying you on the red carpet, Do not go to big events w/out the life size poster board cut out of me!

It cost a lot of money and I only bought 3. She's accidentally left a couple in the limo.

"Not everyone gets residuals from LAW & ORDER repeats on TNT, Ms. Charmichael, Ms. Susan Wilson Video Voyeur," I remind her. She hates it when I do that, call her by the names of characters she's played. "I am a real person with real feelings. My name is Angie!" I think she fears that I don't really know her. Honestly. As though we never actually met and fell immediately head over heels in crazy love for each other. Like our intimate, passionate affair is just a figment of my imagination! Ha! Whatever, BAYWATCH NIGHTS' Ryan McBride.

Well, Angie, expect the SILENT TREATMENT for a while b/c I'm very upset. Emotionally devastated as a matter of fact. Why don't you ever show the slightest bit of respect for what we have together? This is a relationship, Angie. It goes both ways. I'm tired of being the one who GIVES and GIVES and GIVES.

When we cannot be together, I'm with you in spirit. I carry you in my soul, my heart. And you can carry me, too, in the form of a sturdy, glossy, foamcore display if you'd just remember to bring The Shan Stand with you! We look great together, honey, even if you're real and I'm 2 dimentional.

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Thursday, May 04, 2006 | 1 comments

Bring it, Movie Going Heathens

Ready? Set? Release the celluloid blasphemy!

The Catholic church is preparing itself for a DaVinci attack. Their "plan of defense" sounds a lot like wearing Wonder Woman's deflective bracelets. Go ahead, shoot your DaVinci nonsense at 'em. "Ching!" Here's hoping...uh, I mean praying... that thorough preparation is bulletproof. Suckas!

The anticipation of the bout is killing me.

To learn how you, too, can join the battle, please visit:

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Thursday, May 04, 2006 | 1 comments

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Best Burger in New York City

THE SHAKE SHACK in Madison Sq. Park (23rd St. bet 5th and Madison). I have consumed my body weight in cheeseburgers over the years. Strangely my body weight grows in direct proportion to the number of cheeseburgers I eat. But anyway, The Shake Shack grills up the best seasonal fare this city has to offer. Burgers made to order, hot dogs, fries, home made custard and milkshakes are among their specialties.

Hot Tip from Auntie Shan:
Good luck waiting in the lunch line. It wraps all the way around around yo' fat momma and back again from noon - 2:30ish, rain or shine. Bring something to read, like Roget's Thesaurus. You're going to be there until you need another haircut. I suggest an off-hours trip. For example, it's 4:19pm and I've just finished inhaling a cheeseburger & fries. With a Diet Pepsi, mind you. Well balanced diets suk ass.

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Tuesday, May 02, 2006 | 0 comments

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