Come out, Come out, Wherever You Are!
What are you doing reading this? Are you inside? Of your own volition? Today? It's absolutely gorgeous outside!
If you cannot leave work under penalty of death, or are otherwise unable to enjoy the perfect day, I am deeply sorry. The rest of y'all had best spend some time out-of-doors ASAP because this weekend is supposed to be rainy and gloomy. Boo, weather forecast! Boo!
I'm off to hang in Madison Square Park. Have a bright, sunshine-y day!
posted by Shannon E. Ennis at
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
If you cannot leave work under penalty of death, or are otherwise unable to enjoy the perfect day, I am deeply sorry. The rest of y'all had best spend some time out-of-doors ASAP because this weekend is supposed to be rainy and gloomy. Boo, weather forecast! Boo!
I'm off to hang in Madison Square Park. Have a bright, sunshine-y day!

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