The Shan Speaks: Notes from the Small but Wise

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Michael Got Off...Why Can't I?

Who says there is no justice? As punishment for blogging, emailing friends and surfing the worldwide web for one piece of Law & Order: SVU fanfiction that I haven't already read while at work, I am here, at the scene of the crimes mentioned above, in the Toy Center building on a gorgeous Saturday morning. Starting this Monday, there is an International licensing show for the entire toy industry. Being an International marketing whore/savant, its essentially my baby. So, I am in here to finish price lists and get the showroom(s) in sparkle condition. When I got this assigment, I was all, "no biggie, whatever, whenever." I should have done my research: I am responsible for more than 20 lines of merchandise which translates into 22 price lists and 17 showrooms. Oops! With all the toy and game samples that have arrived in the past 2 weeks, it appears that I am having a torrid affair with the Fed Ex guy, Syd.

And here I am doing it again. Blogging when I should be working for "the man."

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Saturday, June 18, 2005


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