The Shan Speaks: Notes from the Small but Wise

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Brooklyn Bitch

I have a show tomorrow night in Brooklyn, land where I sleep and pee. I don't think I've ever performed in Brooklyn before, probably because I am not nearly cool enough, and I insist on buying NEW clothes. I was in Park Slop looking around at the Cattyshack crowd this weekend, one question kept popping up, haunting me until I felt like I had to know. And though the question is sort of wise-ass-y, like most of my quesitons, I really do want to know the answer. Incidentally, the only other place I ache to ask this same question is in the East Village, mid afternoon on a weekday. You know what? I've just lied. They're a series of questions, all off-shoots of one basic question: Do you have a fucking job? With that hair? And the tats on your neck? And all those piercings? How do you afford your life? Ever gotten laughed out of a job interview? Is your apartment a shit heap? Do you hang out there all day smoking pot while you make Art out of handle bars and old shoes? Does your dentist stare at you funny? Do you shower? No, seriously, do you?

The answer to all those questions: Shannon, you're so 30.

So I was emailed a little blurb about tomorrow's show (see if you can tell where I've added a few things). If you'd like to see me be a bitch in person, I encourage you to come. I've been particularly witchy lately. It'll be the most crusty pleasure you've had in a long time. Put a mic in my hand and duck for cover. My cranky 'tude will test your compassion and tolerance. The other day, my therapist sucker punched me.

Come to laugh, stay to "worship" ME at Becky & Claudia's SupremeOffering, a new stand-up comedy show in Williamsburg, co-hosted by roommates extraordinaire, Claudia Cogan and Becky Poole. BTW, roommates extraordinaire wash their dishes before they're even dirty, always have 6 cold beverages in the fridge (OJ, Milk, Beer, Soda regular, Soda diet, water) and never leave errant pubic hair in the bathroom.

This week's most exalted line-up of comedians you've never heard of - Lubka Bubkova, Carolyn Castiglia, EricDeskin, Shannon Ennis, Eric Kirchberger, Jack Kukoda, and FlorenceYoo!

Wednesday, July 27th at 8:00 PM @ The Graham Lounge 312 Graham Ave
((b/w Devoe and Ainslie))

Take the God Damn L train to Graham Ave (3rd stop in Brooklyn) Walk a block and a half south on Graham to Ainslie. You'll know you're there when you can catch the scent of The Shan in the air.


posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Tuesday, July 26, 2005


  • Happy Birthday Shannon's Mom!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:19 AM  

  • As the cooler, self proclaimed Anonymous #1 commenter...I would like to extend the most jouyous of birthday wishes to Shannon's mom and congratulate her on her two new blind, furry grandchildren!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:10 PM  

  • Hey Shan:

    Hope that the show went swimmingly.

    Was toolin' around the net and came across a site that I thought you might find interesting. He's got a blog here on BlogSpot that you can check out:

    Drop me a note when you get a chance. Would love to hear from you.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:41 AM  

  • Happy Shan's Mom Birthday! I mean Happy Birthay Shans Mom!

    btw... you catch Katie Norby biting it in Devil's Rejects? Nice smear!

    By Blogger steven, at 12:26 PM  

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