The Shan Speaks: Notes from the Small but Wise

Monday, August 22, 2005

Love Me Cub

I completely identify with this tiger cub. Were I able to turn back the clock to when my days were filled with nothing but belly rubbin' and breast feeding, I'd do it in a heartbeat. And how sweet is kiddo there, stretching his heart out? I have to stand on my tippy toes to hug, too. But look closely. Do you see what I do? That is a desperate hug. I know the desperate hug very well. Baby is holding on for dear life, oh so needy, begging for a little love and attention. Or a lot. Now notice though the look on Mommy's face. She couldn't give two shits. The cub's arms might as well be a candy necklace. In my paranoid waking life, let's say 9 1/2 out of every 12 hours I'm conscious, I imagine hers to be the exact expression on the faces of everyone I've ever hugged. It's so Woody Allen of me. No wait, it's so Sylvia Plath. No wait, it's so Earnest Hemingway. Nah, it's more like Anne Sexton. Or maybe Virginia Woolf. Oh, Jesus! I have to stop there, because if I get into Irish poets, the list of names'll look like James Joyce's first draft of Ulysses. Posted by Picasa

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Monday, August 22, 2005


  • So...what do you do for the other 2.5 hours that you're awake? Yeah, I'm curious enough to ask!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:14 AM  

  • Exercising my self-centeredness in similar unhealthy ways. And picking my nose while dreaming of my next shoe purchase.

    By Blogger Shannon E. Ennis, at 12:50 PM  

  • Chicks dig chicks with clean noses and nice shoes. Keep up the good work!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:12 AM  

  • Ahem, it has been pointed out to me that the animal in the photo is a LION cub, not a tiger cub. Regardless of our spots or stripes or lack of any entertaining markings, we are all just one big family, aren't we? Except the British. They're inexplicable and talk funny.

    By Blogger Shannon E. Ennis, at 2:53 PM  

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