The Shan Speaks: Notes from the Small but Wise

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Sore Sights for My Eyes

Why is it considered rude to stare at the retarded or disabled? Why am I guilt-ridden when I look curiously at the now-missing limbs of an amputee? Ever seen someone with an awesome scar and yearn to ask them how their marking came to be? They're certainly unique, no doubt, and the only other people NOT doing a double take are freakin blind. And I gawk at the blind, too, if they have that icy blind thing over their eyes. The iris is slicked over and there's no color left. It's as creepy as the dudes with voice boxes. Yes, Mr. Hawking, we can hear you.

Though the subjects of my visual inspection are no strangers to stares, I'm convinced that mine is one of those faces you can read like a traffic sign. Stop and the next red light and you're going to see a sign on your right. Can't miss it. It's got this cherubic face with no cheekbones whatsoever and it reads, "Now that's something you don't see every day."

Pardon me for noticing! But the time honored tradition of folklore is dying. Our culture praises the instant google'd information. I'm all for a quick elephantitis search. However, running around the office telling coworkers what I've just seen is how stories get passed from one generation to the next. It's how we learn about each other.

Political correctness goes against human nature. Don't stare at the ______challenged. But I can't help it! I'm an animal, a bitch, a homo erectus (hahahahaha). If, out in the wild, I saw one of my fellow homos with an abnormal or highly irregular appearance, I'd be drawn to it. I'd scop it out tand then I would sniff the butt. Fascinating features are like shiny objects. I am drawn to them and so would the cro-magnon man. In fact, proportionally speaking, considering changes and natural progression of the human form, I'd say that staring at people who've got neat stuff to stare at is exactly where I should be in my evolutionary journey. Damn, I wish I had a reason to sniff butt, though.

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Thursday, August 11, 2005


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