Dear Lance Bass
Who are you? And why should I care that you're gay? Please return to the land of We Don't Even Care Where They Are Now.
I'm not rolling out the rainbow flag for you. Who gives a crap that you're gay. Got any thing else? You haven't even been to rehab. I've heard nothing about a failed self-loathing suicide attempt either. Did your father hit you? Were you molested by a trusted family friend? At the circus? Does your sexuality have anything to do w/ Star Jones or Tom Cruise's fake baby? If not, I don't get it.
Don't you know that your announcement is supposed to coincide with an album, movie or book release? What are you promoting? Just bein' gay? Well, la di da, Mr. Boyband. Snooze-a-paloser.
But I do have to say thanks for being cross eyed and kinda ugly b/c the boys' team has way too many pretty players.
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