So Much for the So Little

I have a lot of funny, silly shit to write, but I'm behind w/ real work. And real work is hows I pays my bills, yo. So, here's teaser:
I'm sitting in the Dr.'s waiting room and the check-in lady shouts to some patient seated right next to me: WHAT'S YOUR INSURANCE? He answered: CASH.
That's pretty badass. N'est pas?
I have a homo hoedown of a show on Sunday, in case you (Mom) are interested. Spread the word. JUST the word. Spread nothing else whatsoever. Eh, maybe your legs every now and then, voluntarily of course.
See that little flyer? That's everything you need to know so you can get your ass to my gig. Please come! With your kind support, perhaps I won't want to shoot myself in the face after my set. But I'm not putting any guilt-driven motivation out there. I'm just saying if you come I might live to see another day.

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