The Shan Speaks: Notes from the Small but Wise

Monday, January 21, 2008


As much as I don't like to brag, except for my You-can-suck-on-this-Forever dance or my top 40 smash hit single 'I'm So Better Than You It Hurts My Balls' song, I must declare, without bias, that my nephew is cuter than your nephew. He's actually more handsomest than your son or grandson or brother or stolen Lindburgh baby. He's so cute that I cannot look at him for more than 5 minutes without breaking down and praising Allah and Yahweh and 666 The Number of The Beast for offering mankind sucha symbol of beauty. Then I take an hour nap. I'm afraid he may burn my corneas.

Below: Here he is drunk. Ha, ha! In addition to his aesthetic prowess, like a good Irish boy, he can drink 6 year olds under the table. Bitches!

If you stare at this photo intently, note that the Green Bay Packer blanket is actually a Chicago Bears blanket. My how the eye deceives! I'm sure his Wisconsin born Daddy was joking when he bought it.

posted by Shannon E. Ennis at Monday, January 21, 2008


  • Okay, I must admit, this baby is super cute, and I can say that honestly as the mother of a cute baby myself....

    By Blogger GMo, at 7:57 AM  

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