Having a hard time deciding what to be when you grow up? Learn from a pro. Study somebody who's talented and worked their ass off for years and years, who's finally getting long overdue, deserved praise. Watch any TINA FEY interview.
Now, don't beat yourself up. "Compare and despair." She's the exception rather than the rule. Though, thankfully, exceptions do pop up every now and then. And she's the type to be flattered by the compliment and humble accepting it. But nobody's perfect. Except, maybe, TINA FEY.
Goal: Some day, in the near future, I, Shannon Eileen Ennis, will have a long, substantive conversation with Tina Fey. And it won't be about how I repeatedly defy the restraining order. It'll be over coffee or white wine spritzers.
Goal: Strive to be the same kind of example for other female writer, performer, actor, comedian folk. Talk the talk, walk the walk. Lather, rinse, repeat.
posted by Shannon E. Ennis at