Lookit What I Did!
Until you're about 2, everyone and their brother Oooohs and Ahhhs your every smile, fart, drool, step, even poop is praised. And until you're 10, you get congratulated when you read or spell words like 'chaos' correctly on a spelling test. Ladies, when we began to, well, you know, menses blah blah, we were welcomed into 'womanhood' with hugs and, in some families, cakes were baked for the occasion. And all we did was bleed, involuntarily!
Official statement: I would like to have all my oohs and ahhs rescinded. I'm 32 and single and relatively poor. I want my adulations NOW. I need them NOW. Something tells me that I'd have keept walking and pooping even if I never heard, "Ooooooh, look at you go! That's a big girl." In the interest of staying on this 'responsible adult' track, as a preventative measure, humor me. Please reply with Oooohs and Ahhhhs. Someone had better hug me or I'm gonna swipe some LIFESAVERS or gum.