The Shan wrote an actual "comment" on the msnbc site, and they posted it. The entire text follows:
I found out about this b/c it was the LEAD STORY in U.S. news updates as reported by RADIO WIMBLEDON. Between matches they will run a few quick news bits. I'm delighted to share this b/c it clearly illstrates the theory that when someone (in a position of some influence) finally stands up and says, "Enough," it makes a difference. How powerful the actions of one person! Mika, not since Edward R. Murrow has a television news personality shown such conviction.* Can you believe that the same brand of courage and defiance was once used as a weapon against political propoganda has now been used to fight the grand media darling, Paris Hilton? McCarthy vs. Paris: how low can we go?
I might bake that gal a cake.
*When I wrote this response, I had forgotten than Carol Marin of NBC news Chicago quit when they hired Jerry Springer to do commentary in 1997. That predates Brzezinski and it was pretty fierce, too.